Endermologie Body Sculpting
What is Endermologie Bodysculpting?
Endermologie® is an exclusive technique of cellular stimulation, through the use of independent motorized rollers combined with either continuous or sequential aspiration (suction). It is 100% natural treatment, affecting the connective tissue targeted in beauty and wellness application. It’s non-aggressive, non-invasive, with no downtime and no know side effects. It mechanically stimulates the targeted cells and tissue to work more efficiently, as they tend to slow down with age. LPG Endermologie Body Sculpting smoothes cellulite, resculpts the body, tones the skin, and targets resistant fat.
How Many Treatments Are Necessary?
An average of 10-12 treatments, done 2-3 times per week, then once per week, is the norm. However, nutrition exercise, lifestyle, age, genetics, and hormone imbalances can all play a role. Some people see full results in fewer sessions, some need more. Optimum results are achieved when endermologie is complimented by a healthy lifestyle. Sessions are 45 minutes in duration.
How Long Do Results Last?
The results last, and continue to improve, as long as you maintain with optimization sessions. A follow-up study with women who completed their 12 treatments package, then optimization sessions for 5 years showed the the cumulative results year after year continued to improve. Just as we need to maintain our physical exercise, nutrition, hair color, etc. Endermologie is part of that same lifestyle. The benefit is that Endermologie feels like a massage, so it’s an enjoyable maintenance.
What are LPG Endermologie FDA cleared claims?
Temporarily reduces the appearance of cellulite and circumferential body measurements of cellulite treated areas.
Temporarily improves local blood circulation and local lymphatic circulation
Relieves minor muscle aches and pains
Relieves DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness)
What is the most simplified definition of the cause of cellulite?
Cellulite has many possible causes, including hormonal factors, genetics, poor diet, and lifestyle factors. It usually involves enlarged fat cells,decreased blood and lymphatic circulation, fibrotic connective tissue bands (septa) that retract downward.
How is this different than cool sculpting or other popular treatments on the market?
Endermologie is 100% natural, non-aggressive, and non-invasive. It stimulates and enhances the natural processes of the body, and has no harmful or painful side effects. There are no incisions, and no pain, bruising, swelling, or recovery period. More importantly, when combined with many of these other treatments, it compliments and enhances end results - giving a smoother, softer, and more even appearance to the skin. Endermologie can be used as a stand alone treatment, or in conjunction with other medical and esthetic device treatments, as well as post-surgical treatment
Why is water intake suggested while going through endermologie treatments?
Water is always important for our bodies' overall fucnctions. One of the key benefits of endermologie is the increase in both local blood circulation as well as local lymphatic circulation. Our lymphatic system is part of our immune system, maintains fluid balance and is essential for the absorption of fats and fat soluble nutrients. Lymph is thick and sluggish.Therefore, keeping it more fluid also helps it to flush the metabolic waste from our body more easily.
Are there any contraindications?
Contraindications are the same as what exist for massage and facials. For example, cancer, cardiac or circulatory conditions, infections, certain skin conditions, etc. Health concerns always take priority over beauty goals.
How does it aid in "fat release?"
Studies show that endermologie stimulates the natural lipolysis of the fat cells, in the genetic fat layer that is resistant to diet and exercise. By specifically targeting the beta 2 receptor, it stimulates the natural body fat metabolism and release from adipocyte (fat cell), making it available for energy use in the body. No damage is done to the cell, and it doesn't disrupt the harmony of the body's functions. It stimulates the fuction of the cell, by increasing natural lipolysis by up to 70%.
Does it hurt?
No, it should never hurt. When performed correctly, endermologie treatments should feel comfortable and pleasant, like a massage. Any pain or discomfort is caused by operator error. Please be sure to inform your endermologie practitioner if it is not comfortable. There is no benefit ot unnecessarily high intensity.